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Dutt CSR Consulting AB advises and inspires businesses on how to become more sustainable and make a real difference for the planet, for the people and for the profit.


The company was formed in 2018 with the mission to accelerate the move towards a Sustainable Development with the UN Global Goals as the guiding principles.

Susann Dutt

Experience in short
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Podcast - My Sustainability Journey

In this Podcast from February 2020 the recruiting company PS Partner interviews me about my sustainability journey (in Swedish).

Would you like to do an internship?

Elia Jareño Cuesta

“I believe that any student interested in sustainable development and human rights, and the role that businesses play in these areas would highly benefit from an internship at Dutt CSR Consulting.”


Anna Skoglund

"Jag kan definitivt rekommendera andra studenter att göra praktik på Dutt CSR Consulting. Du får möjlighet att prova på riktiga, kundbaserade arbetsuppgifter med löpande stöttning och dialog. Susann är en engagerad handledare som är mån om att praktiken ska vara värdefull för båda parter."



CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. 

“CSR is the responsibility of enterprises for their impact on society. Companies can become socially responsible by integrating social, environmental, ethical, consumer, and human rights concerns into their business strategy and operations and following the law”


                      - The European Comission

Sustainable Development

“Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 


                          - The Brundtland Report:

                       Our Common Future, 1987

Sustainable Business

“Sustainable business encompasses human rights, work requirements, the environment and anti-corruption. These four main areas also incorporate gender equality, diversity and business ethics.” 


                              - Swedish Government


+46 (0) 705 12 29 63

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